Don't forget: Free Shipping on all New products from Brands We Love!
Welcome to eNDē!
I'm ND. Nicole DeBoom that is! Over 20 years ago, I started a company that helped women find happiness in their bodies through clothing that fits beautifully and feels even better.
I took a hiatus and asked If you want me to continue. The answer was a resounding YES!
Starting In 2025, newly named eNDē Skirts will be available for Pre-Orders! Check back often, sign up for emails & join the eNDē Insiders Facebook group for updates.

Shop New Gear
Discover new products from brands that celebrate women in all ages and stages. The goal is for us to continue doing the things we love throughout our entire lives. Having the right gear that works for our bodies is essential.
We supports brands that offer full size ranges, manufacture responsibly, and have really cool stuff that we think you will love!
Shop Used Gear
Do you have a closetful of fitness clothing that you're holding onto, waiting for the day they come back in style or you will "fit into them again?"
It's time to rid your drawers! Clear out the old and find things that make your body happy today. High quality fitness gear can last a decade. Save money. Make money. Or both!

Become a Seller
Selling is easy. Sign up, post your pre-loved styles & make some cash. Check out the Seller Handbook for more tips to make the process even smoother.
The price is right!
Body love is where it's at!
Sharing is caring (recycle your old stuff & make some cash)!
Planet-friendly - Less landfills more adventures!